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Studio Visit
Born in Tel Aviv, 1981
Lives and works in New York
2014 MFA, School of the Arts, Columbia University, New York
2008 B.Ed.F.A, Hamidrasha School of Art, Beit Berl College, Israel
Solo Exhibitions
2023 On Point, A Group Exhibition by Ben Hagari, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel
2022 I, Pencil, The Boiler at ELM Foundation, Brooklyn, NYC
2021 The Back Side, curated by Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Fundación CALOSA, Irapuato, Mexico
Photographs from The Back Side, Gallery Tiro Al Blanco, Guadalajara, Mexico
2016 Potter’s Will, curated by Gannit Ankori, the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Potter’s Will, curated by Anat Danon, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
2015 Potter’s Will, Rosenberg Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Fresh, organized by José Roca, Flora Ars+Natura, Bogotá, Colombia
2012 A Nous la Liberté (Freedom For Us), Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel
2011 Invert, Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
2007 Cuckoo, Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 Touched, curated by Alon Razgour, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
2021 The Musical Brain Channel, curated by Melanie Kress, High Line Art, High Line, NYC
Disturbance in the Field: Art in the High Desert from Andrea Zittel’s A-Z West to High Desert Test Sites, curated by Brooke Hodge, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV Universal Remote, Brandeis University, organized by the Rose Art Museum, Waltham, MA
2020 Bodyscapes, curated by Adina Kamien-Kazhdan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Through a Balcony: video screenings throughout TLV, curated by Doron Rabina, Dalit Matatyahu, Tel Aviv Museum of Art Desktop: Artists During COVID-19,
Tel Aviv Museumof Art (online)
2019 Proposition: video work props and other materials, HESSE FLATOW, NYC
Recipe About Art, organized by Sherry Chang, Bamboo Curtain Studio, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2018 Potter’s Will, ArtMonte Carlo, Salon D’ART, Monaco (solo)
Smiles Without Freedom, curated by Tomas Vu and Rirkrit Tiravanija, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, NYC
Organic Theater, curated by Yasmine Ostendorf, C-Platform, Xiamen, China
Drawn (Over), curated by Tomas Vu, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Table Manners, curated by Nirith Nelson, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv University, Israel
The Dangerous Professors, curated by Ruslana Lichtzier, Flatland Gallery, Houston, TX
21 Grams, curated by Dveer Shaked and Moran Sulmirski Noam, BEITA Home for Social Art in the City, Jerusalem, Israel
2017 Worlding, curated by Mia Curran, Richmond Center for Visual Arts, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
The Tyranny of Common Sense has Reached its Final Stage, curated by Tomas Vu and Rirkrit Tiravanija, LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, NYC
Safe Haven / State of Emergency, curated by Limor Alpern Zered, Haifa Museum of Art, Israel
Gomli-data, curated by Izek Mizrahi, The Hansen House Design, Media and Technology Center, Jerusalem, Israel
2016 Art School, Hamidrasha School of Arts turns 70, curated by Avi Lubin, Helena Rubinstein Pavilion,
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
PLANTA, organized by Carolina Castro, Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
The Castle of Perseverance, organized by Molly Surno, CRUSH Curatorial, Amagansett, NY
Son: Signalof Authority, curated by Boliang SHEN and Zhanglun DAI, InCubeArts, NYC
Agropolis, curated by Maayan Sheleff, the Science Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Serious Fun, Sumter County Gallery of Art, Sumter, SC
SpaceTime, curated by Efrat Livny, Minus One, Haaretz Gallery collection, Tel Aviv, Israel
2015 Under Foundations, curated by Jess Wilcox, SculptureCenter, Long Island City, NY
Tragedy and Deconstruction, organized by Catherine Pasternak, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art,
Krakow, Poland (two-person)
A Palace with a View, Palazzo Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, Venice, Italy
Feeding, curated by Carmit Blumensohn, Expo Milano, Milan, Italy
Etched in Time, curated by Tula Amir and Levia Stern, Benyamini Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
2014 New in the Collection, curated by Aya Miron, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel (two-person)
MFA Thesis, curated by Ruba Katrib, Columbia University, Fisher Landau Center, Long Island City, NY
No Place, curated by Jonathan Touitou, BAAD Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
2013 Matinée, Lesley Heller Workspace, NYC
And After a Pause, it Continued, curated by Jenny Jaskey, Wallach Gallery, Columbia University, NYC
2012 Artists' Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
Artists' Film International, Ballroom Marfa, TX
Time and a Half, co-curated with Giorgia Calò and Doron Rabina, Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy
Afterwards, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
Bronner Residency - The Fellows, curatedby Gertrud Peters, KIT - Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, Germany
Good Night, curated by Kobi Ben-Meir, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Prizes in Art from the Ministry of Culture, curated by Naomi Aviv, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel
2011 The Museum Presents Itself: Israeli Art from the Museum Collection, curated by Ellen Ginton, Tel Aviv
Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Vault, organized by Tamar Harpaz, Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH
2009 Weather House, New Positions, Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Can’t You See I’m Walking on Air, Chelouche Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
14th Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, Skopje, Macedonia
2008 The Tyranny of the Transparent, curated by Maayan Amir, Minshar Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Rear, curated by Joshua Simon, The 1st Herzliya Biennial of Contemporary Art, Herzliya, Israel
2006 Present Now, curated by Tal Ben Zvi, Reading Power Station, Tel Aviv, Israel
Half Board, organized by Sally Haftel-Naveh and Tali Ben-Nun, Braverman Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Selected Screenings
2021 Seein Things, Humanities Quadrangle Cinema Hall, Yale University
2020 About Face, ZAZ 10TS, 10 Times Square, NYC
Whole World, Felicja Blumental Music Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
Video Art Program, Epos 11, The International Art Film Festival, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel
2019 In/animate, Parallel Art, Toronto, Canada
2018 NeuLicht Festival, Architekturforum Zürich, Switzerland
Van Eyck Food Art Film Festival, Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
The Minefield Girl, Spotify and LightBox, NYC
2017 24:7, ZAZ 10 Times Square, NYC
2016 First Austrian American Short Film Festival, Austrian Cultural Forum, NYC
The Current Sessions, biannual performance series, Wild Project Theater, NYC
2015 Animismo Digital Vol.1, Central de Arte Digital Juan Downey, Puerto Varas, Chile
2014 Locomotion 2014, Artists’ Moving Image Festival, London, UK
Transborder, Anthology Film Archives, NYC
2012 Artists' Film International, touring screening program:
Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cinémathèque de Tanger, Morocco
Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Turkey
City Gallery Wellington, New Zealand
Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong
GAMeC – Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo,Italy
2010 Video Zone V, The 5th International Video Art Biennial, curated by Sergio Edelstein, Tel Aviv
Cinematheque, Israel
2006 Intersection, 23rd Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel
2005 From the Heart, curated by Boaz Arad, Center for Contemporary Art (CCA), Tel Aviv, Israel
2023 Faculty Grant Personal Practice Award, Yale School of Art, CT
2022 New York State Council on the Arts Grant (NYSCA), NY
The Discount Artistic Encouragement Award
The Lauren & Mitchell Presser Contemporary Art Grant, Herzliya Museum, Israel
2021 Foundation for Contemporary Art Emergency Grant, NYC
Artis Exhibition Grant, NYC
2020 Mifal Hapais Council for the Culture and Arts, Project Grant, Israel
2016 Video Artist Award, Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, MA
2014 Foundation for Contemporary Art Emergency Grant, NYC
The David Berg Foundation Fellowship at Columbia University, NY
2013 Artis Foundation Grant, NYC
Agnes Martin Scholarship at Columbia University, NY
D’Arcy Hayman Scholarship at Columbia University, NY
2012 Rolfs Partner Award, KIT Düsseldorf, Germany
2011 Minister of Culture Prizes in Art and Design, Israel
President of Beit Berl College Award for Excellence in Teaching, Israel
2009 Video Art Fellowship, Center for Contemporary Art (CCA), Tel Aviv, Israel
2008 Rafi Lavie Award, Hamidrasha School ofArt, Beit Berl College, Israel
2021 Yonkers Artist Residency Program, Yonkers, NY
2016 Fountainhead Residency, Miami, FL
2015 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Process Space Residency, Governors Island, NY
2014 Institute of Investigate Living, AZ West Andrea Zittel, Joshua Tree, CA
2009 The Bronner Residency, Goethe Institut and Kunststiftung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany