Larry Abramson

Larry Abramson: A Great Piece of Turf

Opening reception: Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 7 pm.
Gallery Opening Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 11:00-18:00

Friday: 10:00-14:00

Saturday: 10:00-13:00

Sunday: by appointment

5 Hazerem st., Tel aviv

This new series of works begins with memories of the artist's childhood in the fieldand valley near his home in West Jerusalem, years during which his new identityas an Israeli child was formed. The gray limestone rocks covered withyellowish-whitish lichen, with wild grasses growing in the small gardens intheir hollows, became a world unto themselves for the artist, filling the spaceof the new large paintings he created. Enlarged and transparent silhouettes ofplant images from botanical books of the Land of Israel joined these paintingsin gray monochromatic color fields, rustling echoes of a place that once wasand is no more.

During the work on "A Great Piece of Turf", which began at the end of 2022,the judicial coup and the protests against it broke out, and then, in October 2023, the massacre in Otef Aza and the Gaza War that followed. The paintings, which began as a longing for a distant past, absorbed into them contemporaryfeelings of fear and helplessness in the face of destruction, and became multi-layered and complex expressions of the contradictory emotions that runrampant today in the soul of every Israeli.

מידע נוסף על התערוכה